Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Red Eye

I was looking through old pictures again and found the pictures that showed Charlie’s cancer from when he was two years old. I have about 8-10 pictures where its clear. It boggles my mind that I thought nothing of it at the time. I would think in passing “the light is reflecting strange”. Its hard not to feel guilty. Its so obvious. Working on that as well… : )

I thought I would show them … the more people who know what this cancer looks like (in pictures) the better. You can see it when the flash on your camera goes off and “red eye” is produced. Its tricky because I have lots of pictures after these ones were taken and both eyes went red. Must be the angle and the fact that the cancer was just starting maybe? This is the very first one I found showing it.
 (sept. 2009)

(Christmas time, 2009)

Anyways, that’s that. Tomorrow we are headed to SickKids again. Charlie is being put under and having his eye socket measured and a mould made. We are all really excited to be starting the process of making his new eye.

Charlie being four:
He learned how to move his fake eye with his finger. He moves it in front of the mirror and thinks it’s the greatest thing. Then he went and got it stuck in the very far corner. Oh brother. We ask him to fix his eyeball. He sighs and tells us in a longsuffering tone of voice, “Dad…Mom….this eye is only plastic. Its ok.”

Emotionally, last week was hard. I’ll spare you the details, but I am finding that after a big upheaval in your life its hard to just settle down afterwards. Even when the cancer is gone, the feelings stay and its easy to feel lost. It really changes you. One hour I would look at his now very cross-eyed face and laugh and the next I will cry. Poor kid. : ) But it will come. We have so much to be thankful for, and we are.
God is good. God is always good.

Belinda has been such a blessing. Please pray for Micah & his family, tomorrow is scan day. http://www.belindandken.blogspot.com/2012/01/i-am-thinking-about-scan-day.html

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping us "in the loop" as to how things are going and how you're doing. It's easy for us to think that because Charlie is cancer free, everything is great in your lives. But I think because everything happened so fast and suddenly, it's all now sinking in. Praying for you Katie, that God will give you all you need!
